Not hitting the jackpot with your current ben admin solution?

Prioritize a benefits experience that meets
the needs of you and your employees.

No gimmicks.

You and your employees deserve a benefits administration provider you can depend on. When you choose WEX as your benefits administrator, there are no gimmicks.

of employees rated their OE experience a 4 or a 5.

of employees rated their OE experience a 4 or a 5.

said our Customer Care Center provided them with excellent service.

said our Customer Care Center provided them with excellent service.

Intimidated by implementation?

Follow these 6 tips for a successful ben admin implementation.

Double down with WEX.

With WEX you get the best of both worlds. A personal experience for your employees and less work on your to-do list.

We’ve got:

Benefits enrollment + administration

ACA compliance

Dependent verification

Total compensation statements

Carrier bill reconciliation

HSA/FSA/HRA/LSA administration

COBRA & direct bill services

Customized employee communications

Full service call center

Decision support tools

But wait, there’s more!


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@2023 WEX Health, Inc.